Knysna is a popular holiday destination on the Garden Route of South Africa. One of the reason it is such a popular fishing destination is because of its vast variety of fish the area has to offer.

Being based around the Knysna Lagoon, the area is popular for estuary fishing with Catches Ranging from White Mussel Cracker, White Steenbras, Garrick (Leerie), Kob and Grunter, as well as the occasional Ragged Tooth Shark and a variety of different skates.

The team at Breezers have complied the following information below to help you, when visiting the area catch your dream catch while fishing the Knysna Lagoon.

Baits to Use

The best baits to use in the Southern Cape for Rock and Surf fishing are:

  • Fresh Pilchard
  • Chokka
  • Pink Prawn
  • Squid
  • Mackerel
  • White Mussel
  • Bloodworm
  • Moonshine Worm
  • Red bait

Traces and Tackle

Below are some examples of Traces we have found to work when fishing both on the Knysna Lagoon:
(Please select a fish to view the our trace guideline)Estuary Traces:

Map of the Knysna Lagoon

For your convenience we have compiled a map of the Knysna Lagoon, with our experience we have found the following demarcated areas to work: